Sunday, October 20, 2013

Creating a Spoon Rest

I thought it might be fun  to make a few useful kitchen items In this lesson, we will go through the steps to create a Bunny Spoon Rest like the one on the right. You will need to slice off about a 1 1/2 inch slab of clay from your block. Re-tie your clay block securely and wedge your clay well.
Flatten it out on your board and then roll it out into a 1/4 inch thick rectangle until it measures about 9 to 10 inches in length and  about 4 to 5 inches wide. Take a knife or pin tool and cut it out to make an hourglass shape. I think of a butternut squash when I cut out the shape so that the top, which will be the bunny's head, is smaller than the bottom, where the spoon will rest. You should have some leftover  pieces for the bunny nose, the eye, scarf, and the ears. If you don't have enough, prepare and roll out a small slab from your block.
I just started one a few minutes ago, and just kept working and putting it together without thinking about taking photos, so I'll have to walk you through the added parts of this bunny
The first thing I did was to bend up the spoon end and smoothed it around inside to hold its shape. I smoothed the rim until I was happy with it.
Then I cut an arc shape piece for the scarf. Be sure to score the underside of the scarf and the base, add slurry or slip and press it firmly in place.
Use two pieces that look like 2 inch leaves like elm leaves. Score, slip, and ach one just flat at about 1 o'clock at the top back of the bunny's head. Push it on firmly especially at the top and blend it in to the top of the head. This ear should lie flat down the back of the head to the scarf.
Bend the second ear shape in half around your little finger so that it looks like a bent ear, pinched in a little, but still open enough to see the inside. Score and slip, and attach it firmly on top of the first ear. Blend it in at the top to become part of the head.
Take a pea size piece of clay and roll it to form the eyeball. Press in a tool or end of a Bic pen to make the hole for the eye. Press the tool in firmly to make a dent about 1/2 inch from the edge of the ear. Score, slip, and press the eyeball in. Make a tiny coil shape, less than 1/2 inch long, score and slip it on one side, and press it over the eyeball on a diagonal to create the eyelid. Press firmly on the back and smooth it into the face. Small scores with a small knife on the bottom end of the eyelid create the look of eyelashes.
For the bunny nose, take two large pea shapes, like marbles, formed into teardrop shapes the same size and pinch them together and pinch them into a point to attach to the front left of the face at about 9 o'clock. Score and slip and press firmly, than blend the nose onto the front edge of the face. Add a tiny ball in the top middle of the nose to get the bunny look. Well, mine needs more smoothing with a damp sponge and I will add a few more lines tomorrow, and then I'll set it aside to dry.

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